Who are you really? Who were you?
What secrets do your unconscious mind hold, and how are they impacting your life today?
What patterns are playing out that you need to resolve. What do you need to bear witness to?
What opportunities can reciprocity with the past open for you?
What can you learn interviewing your own soul?
There are many explanations of the phenomenon of Past Life Regression. They range from the scientific and neurological to the esoteric and spiritual. I have come to the open-ended conclusion that Past Life Regression is what it needs to be for the person in the experience.
I have had the honor of leading people to connect with other lives as first-person experiences, as silent witnesses, and as intervening agents of support. Sometimes the life helps us. Sometimes we help them.
I cannot foretell the nature of your experience. All I can say for sure is it will be unique to you, and significant to the degree that you make it so.
Past Life Memories are simply memories. No more vivid than other memories, just more deeply hidden until you set a clear intention to go down into the secret places of your mind and observe whatever arises.
A memory isn’t a whole thing. It is like a painting of many brushstrokes. In a Past Life Regression, I help you re-member the past, and interact with it.
Do you remember what it felt like to be a little child lost in make-believe? Can you capture that feeling now? That sense of wonder, that sense of seeing beyond the ordinary to see what you imagine is so? You may think that ‘make-believe’ is a kind of play that children do, but children know something it is important to remember: Making and believing is the most important thing humans do.
I’m not leading ‘Past Life Tourism’ here. This is deeply spiritual work. Past Life Regressions are for Present Life Realizations.
Past Life Regressions are in-person only on Saturdays at the
Oracle & Sage
78 Spring Street
Eureka Springs, AR
By appointment only.
Please reach out. I help people when everything else has failed.
You may also text (please don't call) 479-719-4473