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Bespoke Hypnosis

Hourglass on a beach
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Time Travel Workshop

This day-long workshop transforms who you are and who you will become.

Change your past (NLP Timeline Therapy Walk)

In this group session, you will choose a recurring issue in your life and learn how to see an overview of your related experiences along a timeline of the past. You will learn how to effectively ‘walk’ along this timeline as a witness to these experiences all the way back to the ‘first cause’ where you will council yourself at that event. Under careful supervision, you will journey back to the present, changing and growing through each significant past event as you enter a new present as a changed person.

Get guidance from your future (Quantum Jump)
Burt Goldman was the world’s foremost Sylva Method instructor who was featured as the ‘American Monk’ by Mind Valley. He is recently deceased, but while in his 90’s he personally taught Dana Reynolds his celebrated method to Quantum Jump. Now you can learn from her how to step into any version of yourself that has mastered the skill-sets you desire. You will explore the quantum probability of a future-YOU, one you’d prefer to be, and learn how to find them, and interact with them and ‘bring back’ their qualities of success and skills you design.

In-person classes and workshops are by appointment only at

The Oracle & Sage

78 Spring Street

Eureka Springs, AR


For a private online session

Book a Free Call

Please reach out. I help people when everything else has failed.

[email protected]

You may also text (please don't call) 479-719-4473